Wednesday 26 September 2018

Maths follow up.

  Hey my Fellow Bloggers

This week in Maths we have been working on grouping stuff together, multiplication and addition. We had to figure out what numbers were in the tens,hundreds and ones place. We got to work it out in the figure it out books. We worked on Dazzler Digs On. It was about a dog hiding bones and how many were left. For my working out I used multiplication and division to find the answers to the questions. Here is me talking about it.


I think that it was kind of easy because the working out was kind of what I already knew but some of it I was stuck on. But apart of all of that it was really fun.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Cyber Smart!

Hello My Fellow bloggers 
Last week in Cyber Smart the yr 5 's were working on finding out what Netiquette means. I found out that Netiquette means that you have to follow specific instructions and when you have to behave online. We had to find out what Netiquette meant by watching videos that were on our slide. We had about 5 videos on our slide. We took notes on them from this website called . Here is my work!


Next time I will try to use more information. It was easy and hard at the same time but fun because I was the last one to get out of the classroom just to finish the first video! Please give me some feedback.